
Right place wrong time scream 2 soundtrack
Right place wrong time scream 2 soundtrack

right place wrong time scream 2 soundtrack

Its within one's own luggage room of a mind that certain memories are either kept up front for easy access to unpack, kept in the middle to protect/preserve it until the time is right to unpack, or kept in the very back where one would most definitely pick up and throw out the window while in motion to never be remembered ever again. Marcel Proust once said, ~The moments of the past do not remain still, they retain in our memory the motion which drew them towards the future, towards a future which has itself become the past, and draw us on in their train.~ Without a doubt, the countless memories each of us have stored away in our minds are, in some ways, like pieces of individual luggage being transported on the train of time.

Right place wrong time scream 2 soundtrack